Neural Engineering Academy

Neural Engineering Academy is an umbrella organization to coordinate the group’s outreach activities with K-12 schools. We will work with interested science and math teachers from grades 4-12 (especially rural and title-1 schools) on incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) instruction into their curriculum, with special emphasis on neural/brain and nervous systems.

Listed below are links to some of our current programs, all of which utilize the neuro-robotics theme of comparing human brain/body systems to corresponding systems in LEGO robots. The LEGO kits are engaging to youth and present an ideal platform for illustrating this theme. Each kit includes a compact and powerful programmable computer (using the intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software); touch, vision, ultrasonic, and gyro sensors; two servo-motors and blue-tooth communications; and a rechargeable battery. The projects presently focus on Core Neuroscience Concepts that are linked to National Science Standards, and on neural engineering concepts linked to ITEA technological literacy standards. Our Workshops will cover this linkage to standards and discuss cognitive neuroscience findings related to the science of learning and teaching, via two influential books How People Learn and Make it Stick.

Information about our first EEA Workshop for elementary science and math teachers.

Workshops for elementary science and math teachers:


Dan Dopp