
Our research involves interdisciplinary collaborations with neuroscience labs and research groups:

Nair Lab

Systems and Computational Neuroscience

The Nair lab projects involve reverse engineering the brain circuits in invertebrates and vertebrates, at intracellular, cellular and systems levels, in close association with neuroscientists and biologists. We model a neuron as a nonlinear electrical circuit and combine many neurons to form networks. Using biologically realistic and reduced order models, we use system theoretic concepts to investigate how such neurons/network circuits implement functions. We study neurocomputational and system level issues such as bifurcation, adaptation and learning (LTP/LTD, etc.), robustness, control and related ones for these nonlinear dynamic circuits.

We are presently studying the following:

Biologically realistic modeling of neural circuits will provide a fundamental understanding of the underlying brain mechanisms in both health and disease (e.g., PTSD, anxiety disorders, neuroplasticity due to cocaine). Such models will also help lay the groundwork for innovative pharmacological, psychotherapeutic and other treatments by permitting rapid in-computer experimentation.

Computational Neuroscience: Models & Neurobiology (for pre-doc, post-docs, medical students, residents and faculty)

Undergraduate Research

Research Experiences for Teachers

Modeling Resources