
The Neural Engineering Laboratory is engaged in collaborative explorations of the functioning of neurons and networks, using both invertebrate and vertebrate model systems.

Academic Elective Track - Computational Neuroscience

Undergraduate Neural Engineering Certificates (Profs. Nair and D. Ho)

Interdisciplinary Minor between Engineering and A&S (Profs. S. Nair, Eng, and D. Schulz, Biology)

Graduate Neural Engineering Certificate (Profs. S. Nair and D. Ho)



ECE/CS/BE/BioSci/Psych 2017 World of Neuroscience (1 credit; Profs. Nair and Will)

This cross-listed course will introduce undergraduates to the growing area of neuroscience from the perspectives of three disciplines: engineering, biology and psychology. Topics in the course will span multiple levels of neuroscience including genomic, genetic, molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral and clinical levels. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the neuroscience, the classes will cover diverse topics. The topics will range from overviews of the key neurobiology topics such as developmental, sensory and genetic systems, neural engineering topics such as computational modeling and analyzing your own brain signals (EEG), and psychology topics including imaging in reward, addiction and related research areas. The overall goal is to provide a broad exposure to the fascinating world of interdisciplinary neuroscience.

ECE/CS/BE/BioSci 4590 Computational Neuroscience (4 credits)

Computational Neuroscience is an emerging interdisciplinary field that links the diverse fields of biological sciences and quantitative sciences. ECE/BioSci 4580 is an interdisciplinary course that is team-taught by faculty from biology and engineering to introduce undergraduates to this exciting and growing field. Flyer: ECE/CS/BE/BioSci 4590 Computational Neuroscience.

Additional Information: NAE Grand Challenge in Engineering – Reverse Engineer the Brain; What is computational neuroscience? + Course requirements for an interdisciplinary minor in computational neuroscience + Coming soon – Undergraduate Certificates in Neural Engineering.

ECE/CS/BE 4540 Neural Models and Machine Learning (3 credits)

This projects-based course has three components: (i) modeling neurons and networks as nonlinear electrical circuits, (ii) machine learning in neuroscience, and (iii) software automation and cyberinfrastructure to support neuroscience. Extensive modeling projects focusing on all three components. Prerequisites: Calculus and linear systems, introductory software programming, and introductory cell biology or consent of instructor.


Professional Development Courses

Annual Summer Neuroscience Workshop: Experiments and Models to Teach Undergraduate Neuroscience

(Impact: 124 biology and psychology faculty from 2- and 4-year colleges from 30 US states)

ECE 8110/8120 Preparing Advanced Professionals I/II (1 credit hour each)

(Impact: 271 Engineering MS & PhD students)

This two-semester seminar course sequence (1 credit hour each; do not depend on each other, i.e., can be taken independently) covers several topics relevant to advanced graduate students, such as findings from cognitive science on ‘how people learn’, professional skills, personal skills, proposal writing, and the science of teaching and learning. Includes seminars by experts.

Additional resources: https://cyneuro.org